Enroll in Fodder School 3 for Access to All 12 Projects!


Have you ever looked at really interesting mixed media art, handmade books or collage art and wondered how the artist created it?



Great art doesn't need to start

with a blank page or a white canvas.

Handmade collage fodder is the secret

to great mixed media art!

Unique and exciting mixed media art projects,

like the ones in Fodder School,

are created by having lots of handmade collage fodder

at the ready.

The classroom opens now, and our first FS3 new project release is on October 1, 2023.

The cost of Fodder School 3 is $237.00 USD + tax.

That's an incredible price of $19.75 USD + tax per month for an amazing new course each month. Compare that to the individual cost of taking online mixed media art classes a la carte (estimated at $1,524.00 USD) and you know what an absolutely incredible value Fodder School 3 really is.

Fodder School 3 is flexible. You can work at your own pace, or stay current with the new lessons as they are released, it's up to you.

Your colors, your marks, your hand, your eye, your taste:


What do you get as a

Fodder School Participant?

  • Creating from the comfort of your own home at your convenience and at your own pace
  • Closed captioned videos, in English
  • Multiple collage fodder making lessons per month
  • One large project lesson using your created fodder
  • Interaction with the featured teacher each month
  • Optional Private Facebook group
  • Low key monthly Zoom Fodder School "Love Fest" meetup
  • Enthusiasm to spare for mixed media art making from teachers and fellow creatives from all over the globe!
  • Inspiration, encouragement and motivation galore
  • Your questions answered
  • A "living course." Bonus content is added to the Fodder School classroom on the fly to share even more great ideas
  • Customer support from the school owner, the Executive Producer and all of the teachers.

What can you expect to create in Fodder School 3?

You will be sewing a handmade Coptic-stitched book with book cloth that you decorate yourself. You will make and trade original ATCs with the active and inspiring Fodder School community.

You will design and create a tin full of your own affirmation cards. You'll use your handmade fodder to create a concertina book full of stunning collage designs. And of course we'll make wall art!

This year, we’ve included 3 dimensional projects to liven up your home, such as block printed fabric baskets and delightful decorative houses. We will gather from our surroundings at home and in nature to create assemblages, story boards, and dimensional books.

Need storage? We have projects that help with storing your fodder, gifts, lists, and notes. We will doodle, draw, watercolor, splash paint, and more!

But Fodder School is so much more than projects. It is a place to come and continue your art education so that you can be the best mixed media artist that you want to be. It is a community where everyone is a fan of everyone else. It is the inspiration and the motivation that everyone needs to get creating . . . and boy, do we have enough enthusiasm to share!

Are You Ready to Enroll in Fodder School 3?

Meet Your

Fodder School 3 Instructors

Tiffany Sharpe


Tiffany Sharpe is a mixed media artist who most enjoys working with watercolor and creating unique, handmade books. Although she enjoyed staying busy with a variety of different crafts for most of her life, Tiffany recently immersed herself into mixed media art and art journaling. After doing a 100 day project called "100 Days of Collage Fodder," she bravely co-launched the wildly popular Fodder Challenge, a series of short, free classes from popular mixed media artists. Tiffany is now the Executive Producer of a new online school called Fodder School, the only 12 month online art course dedicated to the love of collage fodder, where over 3500 students are making fodder, using fodder and repeating! When not creating art, you can find Tiffany at home, taking care of her two kids and husband and walking her dog on a frozen lake in rural Minnesota.

Barb Smucker


Barb is a mixed media artist who enjoys layering collage papers and paint to create surprising results. Adding lines, textures, shapes and colors onto a page or canvas allows her to experiment and find enjoyment in the discovery. Barb is inspired by the beauty found in many of the home arts, including quilting, stoneware pottery and all the gorgeous patterns found in linens and textiles. She is also inspired by organic material and nature, having a window in her home studio that looks out toward trees and a stream. Always looking for a way to combine her interest in art and psychology, Barb has discovered that the practice of art making itself is a wonderful and helpful thing to share. She teaches classes locally out of her studio, with art centers, retreat centers and in galleries. Whether she is teaching the principles of art, art journaling, collage, card making, abstract art or painting papers, Barb's goal is always the same. She wants to help people discover joy in the process of art making and notice that they have so much to share. Barb lives in Ohio.

Megan Whisner-Quinlan


Megan has been art journaling and book binding for about 20 years. However, she took a 10 year break from paper arts when she had her first 2 children. About 6 years ago, she came back into journaling after some big life changes, including 2 more children. Journaling had always been a part of her life, especially working life’s challenges out on the page. When she first started out, Megan only focused on making books by hand with some basic collage and stamping. She was intimidated by the amazing art journalers out there who had elaborate, mixed media spreads in their journals. When Megan came back to journaling after such a long break, she decided that she was going to really push herself to learn all the techniques that she had been too afraid to try. Painting and drawing have really allowed her to find so much joy in her creative process, and Megan now almost exclusively creates mixed media every day. Megan lives in New Jersey.

Alison Bomber


Alison is a freelance creative working with both words and pictures. She is a text and voice coach in the theatre, specializing in Shakespeare, hence the "w0rds" part of her name. When Alison left her full time position in the Royal Shakespeare Company more than a decade ago, a whole new creative form of expression opened up for her in mixed media, crafting and painting. The "p1ctures" part of Alison is still very much about storytelling, about connection, and about communicating emotions and ideas. She loves to combine words and imagery in her work. Alison currently designs stamps for PaperArtsy and teaches both in person and online courses. Alison lives in the Czech Republic.

Yetunde Rodriguez


Yetunde Rodriguez is a Nigerian-American Printmaker, Abstract, and Multi-media Artist. Her work celebrates her love of color, pattern, texture and detail. These aspects of Yetunde's work pay homage to her Nigerian culture and heritage, while being firmly planted in the privilege of her American life. Yetunde is constantly motivated by the thought of ‘what if.’ She does not limit herself to any particular media, methods, or set of materials. Yetunde believes all can coexist to create beautifully. She is a pattern and color enthusiast. Yetunde delights in finding connections in the unexpected, in between spaces, and believes that her work should inspire joy. Yetunde is based in Dayton, Ohio.

Di Venter


Raised in the diverse beauty of South Africa; moving from SA to Berlin Germany, to the UK, and now to the USA; Di has always found her feet - and met her tribe - in her new space through art and creating. Never one to take the rules as unbreakable, she likes to learn them, and then challenge them. Di loves playing with fabric in her art, and adding art to her sewing. Di suspects she will be taking classes her entire life, there’s always more to learn. Di currently lives in California.

Shay Kent


Shay is a mixed media artist and teacher living in Tampa, Florida. She loves to teach art workshops that help people use creativity for self exploration and find freedom while making art. Shay's students say it feels like a spa for their creative souls. She invites you to come to class with her where you can let go, explore and have some fun with art.

Kecia Deveney


Kecia Deveney is a published mixed media artist, instructor, and world traveler, living at the Jersey Shore. As a mixed media artist, her eclectic style can be seen in fabric and textiles, jewelry design, sculpture-work, and painting. Creating is pivotal to Kecia and becomes, for her, art therapy. Her imagination comes to life and allows her temporary reprieve from her role as a full-time caregiver.

Her work is about ingenuity and playfulness. Kecia travels across the world so she may inspire others to find their own artistic spirits.

Sarah Gardner


I’m Sarah Gardner, also known as Juicy*S. Juicy*S is my DJ name. I'm not a DJ. I would love to be a DJ. I am a recovering perfectionist. I have learned that what gives me joy is the process of creating, not the “perfect” end result. I want to help others explore creativity, ignore that perfectionistic inner critic, and play around with art supplies. It gives me joy, and I want to share this way to happiness. This is my wish for you. What's your DJ name? Let's sling some paint, share some art, and you can tell me all about it! Sarah lives by the ocean in Southern California.

Chris Karpiak


As a mixed media artist and teacher, Chris believes in fostering an authentic spirit of inquiry and exploration to develop rich creative experiences. Chris paints, photographs, assembles, stitches and dyes her way through exploratory processes that weave their stories into her life's journey. Art and life work co-constructively to guide and ground her path. Chris is honored to share these explorations with you. It is her soul's purpose to help light you from within in finding your own woven path of Life through Art. Chris lives in Canada.

Susanne Randers


Susanne Randers from @mitkrearum on Instagram ("mitkrearum" means "my creative space" in Danish is a flower power soul and mixed media paper lover - always inspired by nature. Susanne rediscovered her creativity in 2013, created 365 mood boards in 2014, made a flower doodle a day in 2015 and ever since she has hosted in person workshops in Denmark (and four in The Netherlands) creating hand bound art journals that she calls “mood books”. Susanne lives in Denmark.

Jennifer Penick


Jennifer Wilkin Penick's introduction to collage was in early childhood, when her mother cut up magazine pages and invited her to make "mosaics" from them, using paste and a small tin brush. Living for decades in Italy as an adult gave her weekly access to the vintage paper vendors of Rome's legendary flea market. She studied studio art and art history and these two interests converge in Jennifer's sometimes whimsical mixed media and collage works that frequently reference her relationship to (and nostalgia for) the artistic heritage of her adoptive country. In addition to being a practicing artist, she teaches art to children and adults and has been a Visual-Artist-in-Residence with MedStar Georgetown University Hospital's Arts & Humanities Program since 2018.

Work at Your Own Pace with Lifetime Access

The lessons in Fodder School have "lifetime access," which means the lifetime of the school. They are not downloadable but will be available in Willa Workshops on Teachable for many years.

our secret sauce:


At Fodder School 3 you will have a new instructor each month for 12 months.

On the first of each month, a new teacher will demonstrate their favorite way(s) of creating unique and personal collage fodder. If you don’t know this already, handmade collage fodder is THE SECRET to incredible mixed media art that is unmistakably YOURS.

On the fifteenth of the month, that month's teacher will present one complete project with a heavy focus on using collage fodder you have created in their Fodder School lessons.

And, the next month, the cycle will repeat itself with a new teacher and a new fun project.

Class begins on October 1, 2023 and Orientation Lessons are available as soon as you register. Join anytime!

More Sometimes is More

Got extra fodder that you’ve created in a previous month of Fodder School? Well, that becomes a part of what you can build into the next months’ projects. By the end of the year, you will be a world class mixed media artist!

Are you new to mixed media art and looking for a beginning supplies list to get you started in Fodder School?

Before each new month in Fodder School you will receive a new supplies list specific to that month's lessons.

But many people want to get an idea of the things that most mixed media artists have in their kits.

click here

for a basic list.

What People are Saying . . .

"Oh my goodness, where do I start? This would have to be the best course I've ever done . . . I don't want to stop."

-Cathy W.

"If you're not in Fodder School, you're missing out."

-Leona D.

"Joining Fodder School was the best choice I made for my art practice."


"I love Fodder School. I have learned something valuable and fun from every single instructor. I already know that I will enroll in [the next] Fodder School."

-Justine B.

"Dear people who have not signed up yet for FS . . . you will never regret attending on-line Fodder School. You will learn so much about art and having fun with it!!! If you don't feel quite like an artist when you start, you will be by the end! That's what happened for me . . . and I haven't even completed every course yet!!! Go at your own speed and just enjoy the process!!!"

-Jane M

"I've loved everything about it! The projects, the instructors, working at my own pace, learning new things, seeing everyone's interpretation of each project, the bonus lessons . . . so much to rave about!!"


"I love Fodder School! Before I signed up I thought it would be too much for me but not at all. It really fills me with joy watching the videos, finding ways to make my projects."


"Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the past and future teachers in Fodder School and to all the behind the scene workers keeping it running. What a feast of creativity! A full buffet of techniques! I am going at my own pace as I want to savour it all and life does get in the way every now and again. There is so much to learn and develop from each really full lesson. You teachers are so very generous with not only preparing the lessons, but taking time providing feedback as we post. My head is exploding with ideas and my heart is full. "

-Kaye S.

Read more reviews here.

intellectual property + social media disclaimer

Please help to protect the Intellectual Property of our Instructors

We know that in a world where the content creation monster is raging in many people's minds (you are not alone!), the pressure to get noticed and create interesting content for social media every day can be very real.

And we also LOVE to see photos of your finished Fodder School collage fodder and Fodder School projects on social media, so please go ahead and post those final project photos and reels using the hashtags AND the tagging feature on Instagram.

TAG @fodder.school and the @teacher!

#fodderschool and #fodderschoolproject

That said, here are some of the big social media no nos that will not sit right with us and will likely result in your removal from the Fodder School 2 classroom with no refund:

  • creating videos of yourself doing the "Make Fodder," "Use Fodder," or Fodder School Bonus lessons and then posting your video on Instagram, YouTube or any other PUBLIC social media platform (We have a thriving PRIVATE Facebook group for that type of sharing).

  • overly descriptive post descriptions that reveal the techniques taught in Fodder School.


Wendy Solganik


Wendy Solganik is the creative director, Head Mistress and owner of Fodder School. She is a lifelong artist and crafter, currently working in handmade books, mixed media art, collage, hand lettering and watercolor. From production wheel pottery to scrapbooking to knitting and so many more passions, Wendy always dives deep to master a craft. After a fifteen year stint as the co-owner of Luscious Verde Cards, a successful, award-winning, custom invitation manufacturing company, you can find Wendy at home in her art studio. Crafting and creating online art class experiences for students all over the world is her current passion. You just never know where she will wander to next!

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